Thursday, August 30, 2012

Slacker, reporting

I have been such a slacker. I could use school as an excuse, but honestly school hasn't been too busy yet. I could use school plus work as an excuse, but even that hasn't taken up so much of my time that I don't have hours of free time. What it really comes down to is choosing to spend my time doing other things besides working out, or planning meals, or keeping track of calories, or any of the things that helped me find so much success earlier in the year. Definitely a slacker, and I've gained back ten pounds in the last two months, of the thirty-five I lost in the first four months of the year. If that's not a kick in the pants, I don't know what is.

I know I keep saying I really need to get busy, to get back on track and make healthy choices. And yet I keep putting it off, saying I'll start back on my healthy diet tomorrow, I'll start exercising next week, I'll start counting calories again after I get back from vacation. There went the whole summer. The second week of classes is almost up, so the I'll start back to the gym again once I have access for fall semester has been put off by a few weeks now. However, there is something about the negative motivation of seeing that number on the scale. Maybe that will be enough to get me moving again - or maybe it won't if I'm still saying 'maybe'. I'll let you know!

On the plus side, school is going great so far. I'm excited to be back in school, and very encouraged about this semester and the classes I'm taking. I just had a probability class before this, and I'm heading off to my computer architecture class now, then web programming after that. I also have advanced programming on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And I'm off to classe!